Saturday, August 30, 2014

Experiences that you should not miss in Bolivia

In the region of South America, Bolivia does not come in top preferences of the travelers. However, it must not be missed at any given condition. It can be considered as a country with varied beauty. Travelers must be pitied that has left Bolivia from the travel list. However, traveler needs to spend at least $ 100 for obtaining visa. Condition of the public transport is not great. Therefore, traveler needs to have an adventurous attitude in order to visit this place. It cannot be observed as one of the easiest places to travel. However, problems in the places can be overcome with the beautiful locales of the country.

Such a diverse range of variation cannot be seen in any other single terrain. Peaks of the mountains are often lost in the clouds. One of the best navigated lakes can be found in Bolivia. There are various bustling cities along with rivers, jungles and wildlife. It also harbors one of the biggest salt flats in the world. One couple of them can be described in this article for the benefit of the traveler.

La Paz

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While traveling through air, it is better to land near La Paz as it is known for its airport that is placed highest level in the world. It is placed over the height of 13,000 feet. La Paz is situated in between mountains. Due to this reason, it has become best picturesque cities in the South America. Every necessary amenity for the travelers can be found in this place quite easily. Exciting evening can be enjoyed in the city if a traveler goes to Sopocachi.

Best cuisine of the area can be found in this city. There are various market places for the shopping extravaganza of the travelers at a cheapest possible rate.


Little town of Coroico can be enjoyed on the way as it is placed in an area known as Yungas. It is one of the beautiful sub tropical valleys that are situated in between Amazon Rain Forest and La Paz. From this place, if you decide to go north then you can find yourself in jungles of Amazon. While staying here you can make decision about the tour in South America. Relaxation is provided in this location. It is necessary to have enough money in hand to enjoy a luxurious vacation in Bolivia.

Opportunities of hiking can be explored while residing in the place as well. Most of the travelers experience one of the most adventurous rides in the roads before coming in to the town of Coroico. The place provides relaxation after an exciting ride. Cheap accommodation can be located in the place for the benefit of the traveler.  Valleys around the place are very beautiful. It creates a great impression in the mind. Both the body and mind is refreshed in the process.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Top 5 Places to visit in Italy

Italy is known as one of the romantic countries of the world. It is placed in the Sothern part of Europe. Italy is small country with the shape of a boot that is well known for its fashion, art, beautiful landscape and interesting people. Entire life will be not enough to explore the incredible locales of the country. In this article, we will mention about 5 best places in Italy.


Southern center of the Italy comes in your way with Naples. It is placed in the Campania region. Both the historical as well cultural sites can be located in the city in order to provide immense pleasure. You will be delighted to shop in the vibrant shops of the city. Nightlife is enjoyed with best restaurants in the town that provide food with local produce for freshness.

High concentration of historical monuments is seen in the city. It is one of the main reasons behind the number of the tourists in the country. You can visit Roman ruins along with the Baroque Churches. Landscapes and villas of luxurious nature are enjoyed for the archeological importance. It is home for National Archeological Museum and Capodimonte Museum.

Italian Lake District

If you travel to the northern part of Italy then a stretch is seen with the name of Lake District. Landscape of the places is quite flat. However, there are mountains and lakes at the perimeter of the land.  It has become popular tourist destinations over a time of 100 years. Good weather is observed for the delight of the tourist. Garda is considered as one of the largest lakes in the country. Stunning view can be experience while staying with the loved one.


As a part of Italy, Sicily enjoys autonomous reins along with several isles in the place. It is about 5 km away from the mainland of Calabria. Presence of various Mediterranean civilizations is observed in this location. Richness of history and art is one of the attractions of the place. One of the active volcanoes in the world, Mount Etna is striking features of the land.

Cinque Terre

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According to the name of the land, Cinque Terre is amalgamation of five villages. There are villages like Corniglia, Monterossa, Manrola, Vernazza and Riomanggiore in this location. It is placed in the northwestern part of Liguria in the coastal area. Beautiful landscape is adorned with terraces of wine and steep cliff.


Remnant of destruction due WWII is still present in the city of Milan. However, some of the places have been reconstructed in order to make it shine among others. It has come across as one of the wealthiest city of the world. It is paradise of the fashion loving people. Popular fashion designers have harbored in the city as it is the fashion capital of the world. In addition, you can visit Museums to see beautiful painting of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Best Gothic Cathedrals to Visit in Europe

Gothic Cathedrals are not considered as a religious structure of ancient Goths. However, it has been created with the Gothic architecture. It is not possible to locate a connection between Goth and Gothic architecture quite naturally. Gothic architecture has been created in ancient France with the amalgamation of Roman style during 12th Century. Therefore, it can be considered as a French Style as well. Presence of this culture is spread all over the Western Europe. Changes have been done in this culture till the beginning of 16th Century. If you are lover of history along with the architecture, then Gothic Cathedrals in Europe must be visited.

One of the main features of the Gothic architecture is verticality. Flying walls, bunched columns and ridged vaults can be seen in these cathedrals. It has been used in many castles of Europe as well. However, it is better to concentrate on the cathedral for now.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral

At the center of Vienna, it is possible to locate St. Stephen’s Cathedral. The building has managed to survive during the ages of brutal war. Therefore, it can be considered as a sign of freedom. The cathedral has been created upon the ruins of two previous churches. Rudolf IV is known as one of the prominent Dukes of Austria that has started the construction of the cathedral in the 14th  Century. It come with the roof that has a diamond pattern. However, it has added to the structure later on in the year 1952.

Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral is one of the medieval cathedrals with gothic architecture that has given prominence to Virgin Mary. It has been created in a wide and sprawling area. Construction of the cathedral has begun in the year 1221. It has gone through change over two centuries before coming across a finish monument in the year 1567. Burial of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar along his wife can be found in this place. They have been buried in the location in the year 1919.

Reims Cathedral

Reims Cathedral has become popular in the history due to crowning of several French Monarchs. Name of the cathedral has been given upon Saint Remi. He has baptized Clovis in the 496 AD. It is one of the oldest cathedrals in the Europe with Gothic influence. Within 13th Century, construction of the cathedral has been completed. However, frontal part of the cathedral has been added later in the 14th Century.

Milan Cathedral

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In the main part of Milan, an exquisite structure with gothic atchitecture can be located with Milan cathedral. It is considered as one of the well known buildings in Europe. Constriction of the cathedral has began under observation of Archbishop Antonio da Saluzza in 1386. It demarks gothic style from the later part of the century.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Best Place to Experience the Wildlife and Nature- Madagascar

Over the years, the urbanization is growing in the rapid scale and as a result wildlife and nature seems to be in pockets around the planet. Some people are keen to get a glimpse on the unlimited sources of wildlife on this earth. For them, Madagascar, the island coast of Africa is the heaven as here they can found some of the world’s most amazing and interesting animals. It has been seen that nearly 75% of the entire range of wildlife found in Madagascar cannot be found anywhere else in this planet. Let’s have a glimpse with these unique animals of Madagascar.


Aye-aye is a nocturnal lemur found in the rainforest of Madagascar. This animal is the peculiar combination of the ears of bat, the teeth of rat with a long bony middle finger and big eyes. It is often seen as tapping on the tree barks with its long stick-like middle finger.  It feeds on insect larvae. Whenever it listens something appetizing, it follows the insects’ movement indication with its tapping, and gnaws away in the forests. But in the present day, due to the destruction of rainforest, aye-aye is a highly threatened animal as it is losing its habitats and foods.


Among all the species of lemur, the indri is the largest living lemur. It is found in black and white in color and its specialty is its eerie wail that is similar a bit like the songs of the humpback whales. It feeds on fruits and leaves and is generally found in the canopy of the Madagascan rainforest. Due to its habitat loss, indri is an endangered animal.

Different Types of Lemurs

Bamboo Lemur- Bamboo lemurs are found in Madagascan rainforest and cloud forest. Generally, they fed on bamboo.

Black Lemur-

Black lemurs are found in the tropical part of the northern Madagascar. This type of lemur is specially noted for the difference between male and female sexes. Male lemurs are black when the female lemurs are with reddish brown fur with black and white faces. They feed on flowers, fruits and young leaves.

Ring-tailed Lemur-

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Ring-tailed lemur are the most terrestrial of all the living lemur species. These are the most famous species of lemurs. They are found in the dry forests of western and southern Madagascar.

Verreaux’s Sifaka- these large lemurs are found in the dry forest of southern and western Madagascar. These are also known as “dancing lemurs” due to their mode of locomotion.


Tenrecs are most diverse in the rainforest of Madagascar with around 30 species. They are unusual insectivores and have radiated in the ecological niches filled with other lands by mice, hedgehogs, shrews, opossums and otters.

The above mentioned names are only few of the wide variety of many rare animals. Some more names are narrow striped mongoose, blue coua, flying fox, fossa, fanaloka and many more.