Thursday, August 7, 2014

Best Place to Experience the Wildlife and Nature- Madagascar

Over the years, the urbanization is growing in the rapid scale and as a result wildlife and nature seems to be in pockets around the planet. Some people are keen to get a glimpse on the unlimited sources of wildlife on this earth. For them, Madagascar, the island coast of Africa is the heaven as here they can found some of the world’s most amazing and interesting animals. It has been seen that nearly 75% of the entire range of wildlife found in Madagascar cannot be found anywhere else in this planet. Let’s have a glimpse with these unique animals of Madagascar.


Aye-aye is a nocturnal lemur found in the rainforest of Madagascar. This animal is the peculiar combination of the ears of bat, the teeth of rat with a long bony middle finger and big eyes. It is often seen as tapping on the tree barks with its long stick-like middle finger.  It feeds on insect larvae. Whenever it listens something appetizing, it follows the insects’ movement indication with its tapping, and gnaws away in the forests. But in the present day, due to the destruction of rainforest, aye-aye is a highly threatened animal as it is losing its habitats and foods.


Among all the species of lemur, the indri is the largest living lemur. It is found in black and white in color and its specialty is its eerie wail that is similar a bit like the songs of the humpback whales. It feeds on fruits and leaves and is generally found in the canopy of the Madagascan rainforest. Due to its habitat loss, indri is an endangered animal.

Different Types of Lemurs

Bamboo Lemur- Bamboo lemurs are found in Madagascan rainforest and cloud forest. Generally, they fed on bamboo.

Black Lemur-

Black lemurs are found in the tropical part of the northern Madagascar. This type of lemur is specially noted for the difference between male and female sexes. Male lemurs are black when the female lemurs are with reddish brown fur with black and white faces. They feed on flowers, fruits and young leaves.

Ring-tailed Lemur-

Dallas_Zoo_Ring_Tailed_LemurImage Source:wikimedia

Ring-tailed lemur are the most terrestrial of all the living lemur species. These are the most famous species of lemurs. They are found in the dry forests of western and southern Madagascar.

Verreaux’s Sifaka- these large lemurs are found in the dry forest of southern and western Madagascar. These are also known as “dancing lemurs” due to their mode of locomotion.


Tenrecs are most diverse in the rainforest of Madagascar with around 30 species. They are unusual insectivores and have radiated in the ecological niches filled with other lands by mice, hedgehogs, shrews, opossums and otters.

The above mentioned names are only few of the wide variety of many rare animals. Some more names are narrow striped mongoose, blue coua, flying fox, fossa, fanaloka and many more.