Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Enjoy Sea Kayaking In Beautiful Destination Of the World

A gush of enthusiasm can be added to the life with sea kayaking. Chills of thrill can run through the body while having this adventure with friends and family. Necessary equipments and training must be taken in order to achieve success in the process.

Lake Superior, Ontario


Source: nicpettersson.wordpress.com

Exotic lake placed in the North Shore of the Lake Superior is filled with mossy forest. It is adorned with the ruins from the Ojibwe Indian in addition quite sand beaches. Ruggedness of the nature can be experience in this place. It is necessary to take safety measure before going for kayaking in the Lake Superior. In the beginning, you must go for an excursion in the periphery of Gargantua Harbor. It is a walk of 25 miles. Through this island hoping, it is possible to make the body prepare for kayaking. It is better to choose the bay Old Woman for the purpose. Guide can be taken in order to make the process easy for you. In the way, you must paddle through the Agawa Rock quite naturally in order to reach to the Grind Stone point. Due to erosion, a smooth plain has been created in this area. For rest, several camp sites in the beach can be chosen. One of the interesting points of this trip is Still Creek Fall. It is possible to enjoy a series of flows from this place onwards. Adventure can be taken to a great level while pedaling through the 400 foot peak at the Old Woman Bay.

In most time of the year, cold temperature is seen in the water of Lake Superior. It is necessary to have a sea kayak made from plastic during this adventure. Essential for sea kayaking can be acquired from nearby places.

Kayaking in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam


Source: www.nathab.com

In the South East Asia, there are more than 18 rivers that can be explored through kayaking. First experience of kayaking can be brought in the life with Mekong River. It must be taken from the source of the sea. From the view point of an explorer, it is great to have a kayak expedition in the Ha Long Bay and wet lands of Xepian. In order to experience the trip completely, it is necessary to go for a 16 day long excursion. Exotic location of the Ha Long bay has acquired a recommendation from UNESCO.

Mesmerizing view can be experienced from the bank of the river as well. It is better to stay at the campsite during this excursion. If you are traveling with the friends then it is necessary to have a kayaking experience in the Mekong River. In between the adventure you can have a ride in the elephant in the wetlands of Xepian as well.