Thursday, March 12, 2015

What Are The Finest Destinations For Vacation In Tanzania

This East African nation is the home of inspired collection of wildlife. It comprises some of the most wonderful tourist destinations of the world which allures maximum number of tourists around the world. From the mist covered mountain to the moss covered ruins and from the expansive grasslands to the quiet and calm beaches Tanzania has everything that a tourist will like. It is a land where the wild and gentle comes together at a single package.

The culture of this land and it will inspire you at every moment of life. In this article we are going to discuss some of best places in Tanzania.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Location: Kilimanjaro National Park, Kilimanjaro Region

Best Time to visit: January to March and from June to April

Mount Kilimanjaro, a stratovolcano with its three volcano cones - kibo, shira, the Mawenzi is an unquestionable trekker’s paradise. It possesses of being the main mountain not just in Tanzania but in whole of Africa. It is situated in 5895 m above sea level and is relatively easy to climb. You can trek and climb in this mountain and also can view various wild life and tribes who resides in the slopes of the mountain.

Serengeti National Park

Location: Serengeti ecosystem, Mara and Simiyu region.

Best time to visit: All through the year.

This is a huge conservation area in the northern part of Tanzania. Some of the part include Kenyan region, where it is known as Masai Mara. This park is famous for the annual migration of wild beasts and zebras. One can also see a large collection of Nile crocodile in this park.

Tourist can engage themselves in wild life safaris and games in the park. Wild life safaris can be booked in advance. One can also visit the curio markets which are just outside the park and you can check out a lot of handicrafts. There are also large hotels for the people to stay on.

Arusha National Park

Little_Serengeti_in_Arusha_NP tanzania national parkImage Source:wikimedia

Location: Arusha region Northern Tanzania

Best time to visit: Between October to February if you wish to visit Mount Meru, otherwise the park can be visited throughout the year.Just a few kilometers away from the Tanzania city of Arusha, lies this national park. Compared to other parks this one is quite small in size. For most of the tourist this park is special for its beautiful scenario and from here you can see the second tallest mountain of Tanzania, Mount Meru. Apart from climbing the mountain you can see a lot of wild life and arrange cultural visit in the nearby villages. There are number tourist lodges which are very good for staying.